To use rugby to disciple boys and men toward full lives of courage, sacrifice, and purpose.
To be a national example of sustainable club culture and rugby sporting excellence, as a physical and cultural landmark in Moscow, becoming a hub of familial and multigenerational participation in the club’s community life.
Core Beliefs
Sport (and therefore rugby) are such a foundational aspect of human growth and maturation that it should be practiced in a multigenerational and culturally developed manner. We believe that rugby is uniquely well-suited to developing a full man.
Strength takes many forms, and every young man must become strong. Moscow Rugby works to make men strong, mentally, physically, and spiritually.
Old men must be faithful in discipling young men. Our club is a focus for discipleship and mutual responsibility for all ages. Our desire is to see grandfathers participate as fathers and sons do.
Mature men do not live alone; the masculine life is one of dedication to others, and of self-sacrifice. We believe that family life is important, and that family should be involved in the club. The excellence that our club encourages and builds should result in family participation; it is our deepest desire to have mothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins deeply involved in the life of our club.
Living life as a full-fledged man who cares for his family will lead our club and its members to serve and improve our local community in many ways. Moscow Rugby does not exist for itself, but rather its members and its local community.